Pharynx Antibody

Pharynx Antibody

High density larynx and pharynx squamous cell carcinoma and larynx and pharynx tissue array

LP208 TissueArray each 546 EUR
Description: High density larynx and pharynx squamous cell carcinoma and larynx and pharynx tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 69 cases/207 cores

Human Pharynx Fetal Tissue Lysate

IHUPHYFSTL100UG Innovative research each 870 EUR
Description: Human Pharynx Fetal Tissue Lysate

Human Pharynx Fetal Tissue Lysate

MBS8417170-01mg MyBiosource 0.1mg 1145 EUR

Human Pharynx Fetal Tissue Lysate

MBS8417170-5x01mg MyBiosource 5x0.1mg 4960 EUR

Larynx and pharynx cancer tissue array

LP801b TissueArray each 270 EUR
Description: Larynx and pharynx cancer tissue array, with matched and unmatched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent tissue, including pathology grade, TNM /stage (AJCC 8th edition),73 cases/80 cores, replaced by LP801a

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Tumor, Pharynx

MBS657593-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 680 EUR

Tissue, Total Protein, Human Tumor, Pharynx

MBS657593-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 2835 EUR


P1235199 Biochain 1 mg 262.15 EUR

Rat Anterior Pharynx Defective 1A (APH1A) ELISA Kit

20-abx585224 Abbexa
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 96 tests
  • 5 × 96 tests
  • 10 × 96 tests

Rabbit anti-human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) polyclonal Antibody

MBS712509-01mL MyBiosource 0.1mL 485 EUR

Rabbit anti-human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) polyclonal Antibody

MBS712509-5x01mL MyBiosource 5x0.1mL 2175 EUR

Anterior Pharynx Defective 1 Homolog A (APH1A) Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal (Internal) Antibody

GWB-1C6F48 GenWay Biotech 0.05 mg Ask for price

Anterior Pharynx Defective 1 Homolog A (APH1A) Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal (N-Terminus) Antibody

GWB-86C9EE GenWay Biotech 0.05 mg Ask for price

Larynx and pharynx cancer tissue array with unmatched normal tissues

LP481 TissueArray each 198 EUR
Description: Larynx and pharynx cancer tissue array with unmatched normal tissues, 48 cases/48, cores with stage and grade data

Aph1c (untagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1c homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1c), (10ug)

MC210716 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1b (GFP-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1b homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1b)

MG203310 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1b (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1b homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1b)

MR203310 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1c (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1c homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1c)

MR203343 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Anterior pharynx in excess protein 1 (apx-1), partial

MBS1068690-005mgBaculovirus MyBiosource 0.05mg(Baculovirus) 1275 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Anterior pharynx in excess protein 1 (apx-1), partial

MBS1068690-005mgMammalianCell MyBiosource 0.05mg(Mammalian-Cell) 1530 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Anterior pharynx in excess protein 1 (apx-1), partial

MBS1068690-05mgEColi MyBiosource 0.5mg(E-Coli) 1275 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Anterior pharynx in excess protein 1 (apx-1), partial

MBS1068690-05mgYeast MyBiosource 0.5mg(Yeast) 1530 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Anterior pharynx in excess protein 1 (apx-1), partial

MBS1068690-1mgEColi MyBiosource 1mg(E-Coli) 2025 EUR

Aph1b (untagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (Aph1b), (10 ug)

RN206094 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1a (untagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (Aph1a), (10 ug)

RN203585 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Tissue, Section, Human Tumor, Throat Tumor, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Pharynx (Paraffin)

MBS640840-5Sections MyBiosource 5Sections 510 EUR

Tissue, Section, Human Tumor, Throat Tumor, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Pharynx (Paraffin)

MBS640840-5x5Sections MyBiosource 5x5Sections 2145 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Pharynx and intestine in excess protein 1 (pie-1)

MBS1488015-002mgBaculovirus MyBiosource 0.02mg(Baculovirus) 1210 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Pharynx and intestine in excess protein 1 (pie-1)

MBS1488015-002mgEColi MyBiosource 0.02mg(E-Coli) 865 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Pharynx and intestine in excess protein 1 (pie-1)

MBS1488015-002mgYeast MyBiosource 0.02mg(Yeast) 1000 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Pharynx and intestine in excess protein 1 (pie-1)

MBS1488015-01mgEColi MyBiosource 0.1mg(E-Coli) 1040 EUR

Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans Pharynx and intestine in excess protein 1 (pie-1)

MBS1488015-01mgYeast MyBiosource 0.1mg(Yeast) 1140 EUR

Aph1b (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (Aph1b), (10 ug)

RR206094 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1a (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (Aph1a), (10 ug)

RR203585 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Aph1b (mGFP-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1b homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1b)

MR203310L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Aph1c (mGFP-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1c homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1c)

MR203343L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1a (untagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1a homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1a), transcript variant 1, (10ug)

MC204622 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1A (untagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 2

SC111265 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1B (untagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 1

SC319931 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1A (untagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 2

SC320360 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1A (untagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 1

SC324158 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1b (untagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1b homolog (C. elegans) (cDNA clone MGC:90603 IMAGE:6853991), (10ug)

MC206096 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1c (GFP-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1c homolog (C. elegans) (cDNA clone MGC:63261 IMAGE:6410104)

MG203343 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1a (GFP-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1a homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1a) transcript variant 1, (10ug)

MG223505 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1a (GFP-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1a homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1a) transcript variant 2, (10ug)

MG220937 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1A (GFP-tagged) - Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 1

RG204602 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1B (GFP-tagged) - Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 1

RG205070 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1B (GFP-tagged) - Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 2

RG226500 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1A (GFP-tagged) - Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 2

RG203645 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1B (untagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 2, mRNA

SC326540 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Aph1b (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1b homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1b)

MR203310L3 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Aph1c (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1c homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1c)

MR203343L3 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1a (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1a homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1a), transcript variant 2

MR220937 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Aph1a (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1a homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1a), transcript variant 1

MR223505 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Aph1b (mGFP-tagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (Aph1b), (10 ug)

RR206094L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Aph1a (mGFP-tagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (Aph1a), (10 ug)

RR203585L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1A (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 1

RC204602 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1B (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 1

RC205070 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1B (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 2

RC226500 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

APH1A (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 2

RC203645 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Aph1b (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (Aph1b), (10 ug)

RR206094L3 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Aph1a (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (Aph1a), (10 ug)

RR203585L3 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, Aph1b (GFP-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1b homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1b), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

MR203310L4V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, Aph1c (GFP-tagged) - Mouse anterior pharynx defective 1c homolog (C. elegans) (Aph1c), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

MR203343L4V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 1, mGFP tagged

RC204602L2 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 1, mGFP tagged

RC204602L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 1, mGFP tagged

RC205070L2 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 1, mGFP tagged

RC205070L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (APH1B), transcript variant 2, mGFP tagged

RC226500L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 2, mGFP tagged

RC203645L2 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Human anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog A (C. elegans) (APH1A), transcript variant 2, mGFP tagged

RC203645L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, Aph1b (GFP-tagged ORF) - Rat anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B (C. elegans) (Aph1b), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

RR206094L4V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price