ovary Antibody

ovary Antibody

Human Anti Ovary Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802307-5x96StripWells MyBiosource 5x96-Strip-Wells 3420 EUR

Human Anti Ovary Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802307-96StripWells MyBiosource 96-Strip-Wells 765 EUR

OSAP/Ovary-specific acidic protein Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9236318-01mL MyBiosource 0.1mL 415 EUR

OSAP/Ovary-specific acidic protein Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9236318-5x01mL MyBiosource 5x0.1mL 1841 EUR

Anti- Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Proteins (CHO) Antibody

GWB-1CF0E1 GenWay Biotech 3 mg Ask for price

Ovary Lysate

21-468 ProSci 0.1 mg 468.6 EUR
Description: Rat ovary tissue lysate was prepared by homogenization using a proprietary technique. The tissue was frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after excision and then stored at -70°C. The rat ovary tissue total protein is provided in a buffer including HEPES (pH 7.9), MgCl2, KCl, EDTA, Sucrose, Glycerol, Sodium deoxycholate, NP-40, and a cocktail of protease inhibitors. For quality control purposes, the ovary tissue pattern on SDS-PAGE gel is shown to be consistent for each lot by visualization with coomassie blue staining. The ovary tissue is then Western analyzed by either GAPDH or β-actin antibody, and the expression level is consistent with each lot.

Ovary, Rabbit

MBS639323-50Each MyBiosource 50Each 410 EUR

Ovary, Rabbit

MBS639323-5x50Each MyBiosource 5x50Each 1620 EUR

Ovary Lysate

MBS151634-01mg MyBiosource 0.1mg 200 EUR

Ovary Lysate

MBS151634-5x01mg MyBiosource 5x0.1mg 880 EUR

Pig Ovary cDNA

PD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR

Rat Ovary cDNA

RD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR

Sheep Ovary cDNA

SD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR

Bovine Ovary cDNA

BD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR

Rabbit Ovary cDNA

TD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR


8600840 Lampire Biologicals Laboratories 1EA 74.42 EUR

Chicken Ovary cDNA*

CD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR

Hamster Ovary cDNA

AD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR

Ovary Tumor Lysate

MBS151654-01mg MyBiosource 0.1mg 260 EUR

Ovary Tumor Lysate

MBS151654-5x01mg MyBiosource 5x0.1mg 1140 EUR

MiniPig Ovary cDNA

ND-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 446 EUR

Ovary Lupus Lysate

XBL-10370 ProSci 0.1 mg 1117.5 EUR
Description: Human ovary tissue lysate was prepared by homogenization using a proprietary technique. The tissue was frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after excision and then stored at -70°C. The human ovary tissue total protein is provided in a buffer including HEPES (pH7.9), MgCl2, KCl, EDTA, Sucrose, Glycerol, Sodium deoxycholate, NP-40, and a cocktail of protease inhibitors. For quality control purposes, the ovary tissue pattern on SDS-PAGE gel is shown to be consistent for each lot by visualization with coomassie blue staining. The ovary tissue is then Western analyzed by either GAPDH or β-actin antibody, and the expression level is consistent with each lot.

Fetal Ovary Lysate

XBL-10414 ProSci 0.1 mg 890.7 EUR
Description: Fetal human ovary tissue lysate was prepared by homogenization using a proprietary technique. The tissue was frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after excision and then stored at -70°C. The fetal human ovary tissue total protein is provided in a buffer including HEPES (pH7.9), MgCl2, KCl, EDTA, Sucrose, Glycerol, Sodium deoxycholate, NP-40, and a cocktail of protease inhibitors. For quality control purposes, the ovary tissue pattern on SDS-PAGE gel is shown to be consistent for each lot by visualization with coomassie blue staining. The ovary tissue is then Western analyzed by either GAPDH or β-actin antibody, and the expression level is consistent with each lot.


8604940 Lampire Biologicals Laboratories 1EA 67.09 EUR


8620840 Lampire Biologicals Laboratories 1EA 74.42 EUR


8624940 Lampire Biologicals Laboratories 1EA 67.09 EUR

OORA00483-10U - OVARY

OORA00483-10U Aviva Systems Biology 1Each 55 EUR


OORA00483-1EA Aviva Systems Biology 1Each 59 EUR

Ovary Membrane Lysate

XBL-10768 ProSci 0.1 mg 991.5 EUR
Description: Human ovary tissue membrane protein lysate was prepared by isolating the membrane protein from whole tissue homogenates using a proprietary technique. The human ovary tissue was frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after excision and then stored at -70°C. The membrane protein is provided in a buffer including HEPES (pH 7.9), MgCl2, KCl, EDTA, Sucrose, Glycerol, sodium deoxycholate, NP-40, and a cocktail of protease inhibitors. For quality control purposes, the isolated ovary tissue membrane protein pattern on SDS-PAGE gel is shown to be consistent for each lot by visualization with coomassie blue staining. The isolated ovary tissue membrane protein is then Western analyzed by either GAPDH or β-actin antibody to confirm there is no signal or very weak signal.

Ovary specific acidic protein (MGARP) rabbit polyclonal antibody, Serum

AP55126SU-N Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Chicken Ovary Sections

CP-406 Zyagen 10 slides 240 EUR

Ovary Cytoplasmic Lysate

XBL-10767 ProSci 0.1 mg 273.3 EUR
Description: Human ovary tissue cytoplasmic protein lysate was prepared by isolating the cytoplasmic protein from whole tissue homogenates using a proprietary technique. The human ovary tissue was frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after excision and then stored at -70°C. The cytoplasmic protein is provided in a buffer including HEPES (pH 7.9), MgCl2, KCl, EDTA, Sucrose, glycerol, and a cocktail of protease inhibitors. For quality control purposes, the isolated ovary tissue cytoplasmic protein pattern on SDS-PAGE gel is shown to be consistent for each lot by visualization with coomassie blue staining. The isolated ovary tissue cytoplasmic protein is then Western analyzed by GAPDH antibody, and the expression level is consistent with each lot.

Ovary specific acidic protein (MGARP) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone:3D9]

E45M20467 EnoGene 100 ug 595 EUR

Ovary specific acidic protein (MGARP) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone 3D9]

E45M20467V-2 EnoGene 50 ul 195 EUR

Ovary specific acidic protein (MGARP) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone:3F3]

E45M20468 EnoGene 100 ug 595 EUR

Ovary specific acidic protein (MGARP) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone 3F3]

E45M20468V-2 EnoGene 50 ul 195 EUR

Ovary specific acidic protein (MGARP) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone:5B6]

E45M20471 EnoGene 100 ug 595 EUR

Ovary specific acidic protein (MGARP) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone 5B6]

E45M20471V-2 EnoGene 50 ul 195 EUR

Pig Ovary Total RNA

PR-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 160 EUR

Rat Ovary Total RNA

RR-406 Zyagen 0.025mg 160 EUR

Mouse CD1 Ovary cDNA

MD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR

Mouse BLC Ovary cDNA

MD-406-BLC Zyagen 30 reactions 280 EUR

Mouse C57 Ovary cDNA

MD-406-C57 Zyagen 30 reactions 280 EUR

Dog Ovary Genomic DNA

DG-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 210 EUR

Guinea Pig Ovary cDNA

GD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 243 EUR

Human Ovary Total RNA

HR-406 Zyagen 0.025mg 229 EUR

Cat Ovary Genomic DNA

FG-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 210 EUR

Pig Ovary Genomic DNA

PG-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 177 EUR

Sheep Ovary Total RNA

SR-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 160 EUR

Rat Ovary Genomic DNA

RG-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 177 EUR

Bovine Ovary Total RNA

BR-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 160 EUR

Rabbit Ovary Total RNA*

TR-406 Zyagen 0.05mg 160 EUR

Chicken Ovary Total RNA*

CR-406 Zyagen 0.05mg 160 EUR

Hamster Ovary Total RNA*

AR-406 Zyagen 0.05mg 160 EUR

Rat Ovary Tissue Lysate

IRTOVTL100UG Innovative research each 804 EUR
Description: Rat Ovary Tissue Lysate

Rat Ovary Tissue Lysate

LYSATE0011 BosterBio 200ug 180 EUR
Description: This cell lysate is prepared from rat ovary tissue using Boster's RIPA Lysis Buffer (AR0105) using a standard whole cell lysate protocol. The concentration was determined using the BCA assay process and then diluted using Dithiothreitol (DTT) and a reducing SDS sample loading buffer, heated for 5 minutes at 100˚C.

Rat Ovary Tissue Lysate

MBS8421514-01mg MyBiosource 0.1mg 1070 EUR

Rat Ovary Tissue Lysate

MBS8421514-5x01mg MyBiosource 5x0.1mg 4630 EUR

Pig Ovary Total Protein

PT-406 Zyagen 1mg 153 EUR

MiniPig Ovary Total RNA

NR-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 319 EUR

Mouse Ovary Genomic DNA

MG-406 Zyagen 0.05mg 177 EUR

Rat Ovary Total Protein

RT-406 Zyagen 0.5mg 153 EUR

Sheep Ovary Genomic DNA

SG-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 177 EUR

Bovine Ovary Genomic DNA

BG-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 177 EUR

Equine Ovary Genomic DNA

GE-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 210 EUR

Human Ovary Tumor lysate

HTL-1333 Alpha Diagnostics 1 mg 927.6 EUR

OORA00539-1U - Rat OVARY

OORA00539-1U Aviva Systems Biology 1Each 60 EUR

Rabbit Ovary Genomic DNA

TG-406 Zyagen 0.1mg 177 EUR

Monkey Ovary cDNA, Rhesus

UD-406 Zyagen 30 reactions 316 EUR

Ovary Tissue Slide (Normal)

11-201-10um ProSci 10 um 241.8 EUR

Ovary Tissue Slide (Normal)

11-201-4um ProSci 4 um 216.6 EUR

Ovary Tissue Slide (Benign)

11-202-10um ProSci 10 um 241.8 EUR